Loved it! You're such a good storyteller! 👏

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Thank you, Monica! This one seems to have been a hit in the office 😂

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I've also see Bill Nighy a couple of times in a cafe near the Burlington Arcade. I wonder if he lives near there? Really happy to now know who Glen Powell is!! Ha quite good looking...

My husband says the only way he will get me out of London is in a cofin! Still love it after so many years! But yes, how has it got soo expensive!

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I think he lives somewhere around the Soho/Mayfair area because I spotted him on Piccadilly last week, very close to the Burlington Arcade actually, and that GQ article also mentions he's a regular fixture of the Soho area.

And yes, London prices have gone crazy. To think I paid less than £350 (bills included!) for a room when I arrived here 16 years ago... That barely covers the bills now!

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It’s one of the joys of central London to spot Bill Nighy in the wild BUT the proper London etiquette is to pretend you don’t know who he is and just keep walking. I was in danger of gawping at him (or at least staring like an uncool provincial) in Soho a few months back but my older kid (27) grabbed me firmly by the elbow and kept me walking because they know. I have since had several more delightful spottings.

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... it doesn't happen often and it doesn't justify everything. I know 😭

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I would never argue that being able to run into BN doesn’t justify the cost of living in London. He constitutes one of the major arguments in favour. In fine weather you may even see him reading at a café table.

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Oh I see. Maybe this could be a conversation starter if I bump into him a third time. “So Bill, tell me, pros and cons of living in London. By the way, you’re one of the pros.”

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"Come on, Glen Powell, he’s been everywhere this summer!" - this was a familiar feeling because apparently my colleagues and friends only register the likes of Avatar or, at best, Nosferatu, and I have to signal about Twisters, Substance, Companion, Parthenope, or The Monkey (to name the recent few) like I'm a cinema propagandist on a paycheck 🙄

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I know exactly what you mean. We're watching all these films and then no one has heard about them and it's frustrating because how can we talk about them for hours if people don't share our interests??? 😂 I was expecting these men to be into action films and have a sense of who Glen Powell is if nothing else for Top Gun Maverick, but nope.

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Well, maybe they didn't pay attention to him in Top Gun 2 because his role was supporting... but I really can't explain this phenomenon. So many great (or even okay!) films land in the cinema but totally under the radar for most people. Are they oversaturated with Youtube? Netflix? Is going to the cinema too expensive and so they'd only go their once in a while with kids? Idk. Hell, maybe they just don't care about the movies much and you're right, they dare not to share our interests??!!

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In London cinema is quite expensive and tickets are around £15-18 each so if you are a family of four it can be quite a lot of money for watching a movie.Plus cost of transport as there may not be a cinema in your area, or it may not be showing the film you want to see. In this regard, subscriptions to streaming platforms offer much better value for money generally speaking. I love going to the cinema but I'm lucky to live near one that offers a monthly membership and which has a great offer of films, but it can be tricky for people to go to the cinema in this city with so many things asking for our money and attention 😀

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Glen Powell has been in ALL the films, recently, so you'd think at least a look-alike would know who you meant, but I guess they're just not paying as much attention to him as you are, Cristina!

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He's been on a few films lately, indeed. You're right, however, and it's a fair assessment these people weren't as invested, Wendy 😂

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I expect he will be retrospectively flattered!

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I may have been a bit too enthusiastic in showing appreciation... I'll have to keep it professional from now on : )

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Such a fun and cute story !! Made my morning.

By the way, “au moment où / que”, your teacher is right by the official grammar, but people say “que” all the time … to the point where I’ve even been un-corrected by people. I get by thinking about it as a formal/casual thing.

Good luck with the flat search if it comes to that!

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Thanks, Robert, I'm glad to hear that!

And thank you very much for that grammar note - it's the kind of thing that of course a teacher wouldn't want us to learn but which is part of the common use. I always like knowing what speakers actually say and I was sure I had heard it before, so you've explained it.

I decided to leave a bit behind the recent conversations about AI and Substack and go for something lighter and I had the perfect excuse when one one at this event seemed to know who Glen Powell was...

Now I'm having flashbacks of that moment and it'll be interesting to see some of these people again. They probably think I'm a bit mad, but it's fine.

And let's hope the landlady doesn't actually want to sell the flat 🤞

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Hehe, I must confess, were I there, it would have gone like this …

“Glen Powell? No idea … “

*sees photo*

“Oh yeah, he’s that guy who was in that movie … Star Trek?”

No shade on Glen Powell, I take full responsibility for a bad memory.

If you ever look outside London, I can promise you can have plenty of surprise encounters in Paris. Like, you’re going to the bathroom at the cinema and voila, Viggo Mortensen !

And yes, fully support lighter topics to write about. My next post is about the original Jurassic Park. I’m … err … watching them all.

Cinema updates: I’ve seen Maria and The Brutalist this week. Found the Brutalist good but incohesive … felt a lot more satisfied at the intermission than the end. Maria, though, I loved thoroughly.

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Oh, yes, cinema updates (at some point I need to do a new roundup!) Maria was so beautiful to watch. I was highly skeptical of Angelina Jolie but I was glad to have been proved wrong. And The Brutalist was greatly shot but that second half felt like an afterthought. It was unnecessarily long overall and I agree with you that it ended up feeling a bit disjointed. However, kudos to the script because I was convinced it was based on a real story and it's not.

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This is just fabulous and London is where the magic happens even if the rents are crazy

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It's these random meetings that make this city so addictive. However, if the rents go up too much, the magic would be how to pay them 😊

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