Loved this. Hope you're getting ready for your closeup...

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I was all glammed up but this year I am hardly visible and chose a very dark outfit so I'm barely distinguisable from the crowd : (

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I am reading this as I pack to get on a flight to London tomorrow and immediately had to reassess my plans to pack any open shoes! It is always so confusing (layers I know but shoes always problematic). Also how can you not love Rooney!? We seem to be on the same page about so many things that I wasn't expecting that! But now curious about the Sittenfield - will read.

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First things first- Weather here is a Russian roulette! Yesterday it was boiling, today is miserable and rainy. This climate was definitely designed as a form of mental torture, I tell you. My advice? Bring a pair of trainers as they're usually ok for fine rain and not too warm if the temperatures go up (unlikely but not impossible). And then on Rooney... what can I say? I have read all her books to date and still hope for a miracle when it comes to character development. On the one hand I know I'll be disappointed by everything she'll write. On the other, I can't wait for Intermezzo to leave me feeling empty inside 😅 It's complicated.

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I think Rooney would love your complicated relationship with her novels. And yes to trainers, the boho flats will need to be removed I think...

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Don’t risk ruining a pair of nice shoes. Can you imagine if I ended up becoming a SR character? That’d be quite ironic actually.

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I’ve been kinda sucked into the online drama around It Ends With Us. I haven’t read the book, but I do have a mild desire to see the film - although that’s mainly because I think it’s set in Boston, and I love that city. Having said that, totally agree with you on Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban as the finest HP adaptation. It’s still brilliant and I can’t believe it came out 20 years ago!

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A part of me wants to say "Don't waste your money" but another screams "Go watch it so we can talk about it" 😂 Boston as the setting of the story might be the best thing about this film, and probably should have got more screen time. I must have watched HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban about ten times. It never gets old.

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I also recently read Romantic Comedy, have read a lot of Curtis Sittenfield.

Hope Glen sees you on tv this year.

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Let’s really hope so, Louise. It’s a highly contestable one too 😂

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Also, Brad created word yesterday when it was v grey - brummer - British summer

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Brummer is a much more accurate term and I intend to use it from now on.

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Please do use and make it a known expression #brummer

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Enjoy finally getting a proper taste of summer to stock up on all the sunshine you will be missing out on for the rest of the year! Can’t wait to hear if you made it all the way from vermut at 2pm through to churros at 5am.

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Those days are gone... yesterday after the fireworks I was yawning at 1 am 🥲 But I still have time to make my younger self proud. On the other hand it'll be hard to go back to London after experiencing this heat.

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